Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sleeping Valentine's Day Away

BLOG 1 in a 3 part Saturday night blogging extravaganza. See above for BLOG 2!!!

NOTE: For the sake of brevity and to appear more cool to the kids, I will henceforth refer to Valentine's Day as "V-Day."

I apologize to those of you who were waiting for the promised "V-Day (TBA)" post. To pay you back, I now offer an explanation and a blogging trifecta - three posts in one night!!!

Some of you know that I am working midnight to 8 AM plus some morning sales time this month (and this month only) and hence typically spend Monday through Friday in bed while most people are awake. I am not often running at 100 percent because of this freakish night bat schedule and it prevents me from sitting down and blogging as often as I'd like or consistently feeling like a normal human being.

So, the above title is not meant to indicate some depressed single state but rather simply my present schedule. I actually didn't even make it home until around 1 PM Wednesday. While at the store, I had one of those, "Why don't I buy some flowers and anonymously stick them on some girl's vehicle while she's at work" moments. Hey - it's V-Day. Got to find ways to spread the sweet, sweet love. As The Kite is fond of saying, "I like love." However, this *semi-altruistic line of thinking was replaced seconds later by, "Wait, I haven't slept since 5:30 PM yesterday." Even the romantic vibes of V-Day couldn't beat much needed sleep, somehow granting legitimacy to Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs.

All that to say: I hope each of you had a nice V-Day or at least didn't feel too sad about not having anyone to give you gifts. I speak here specifically to the single women. I guess I'm trying to find a balance between John Eldredge's "Wild at Heart" and Stu Weber's lesser known "Tender Warrior," although they probably aren't in conflict.

One final thought. I was talking to a couple of married men recently and found it humorous how they both heard this line from their wives: "Oh, I don't want anything for V-Day." I laughed and told one guy, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...or a woman who doesn't get anything from her significant other for V-Day." Ok, so I didn't actually say "V-Day" but you get the point. Mark Nysewander found it funny and if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.

*I realize any cool points I gained by saying "V-Day" were quickly lost by writing "semi-altruistic."

1 comment:

Nellie said...

I was on call all day/night on Valentine's Day (and half of the next day). I did manage to eat a lot of chocolate, though.